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9 Health Benefits of Eating Spicy Chili

The health benefits of chili peppers are becoming more and more widely recognized, similar to the use of hot foods that are increasingly popular in various forms. Most of the health benefits of this spice come from a chemical called capsaicin.

Here are 9 health benefits of chili:

Promote digestive health

This may not sound right, but the fact is that the capsaicin that peppers provide acts like a stimulant. Many people tell each other not to eat hot spicy foods when they are ulcerated, but experts say chili is actually beneficial for the ulcer.

Accordingly, chili is a rich source of antioxidants, along with other compounds, assist in the process of stomach recovery, reduce constipation, reduce gas in the intestinal tract …

Chili for a healthy heart

lợi ích sức khoẻ của ớt là giúp tim mạch khoẻ mạnh

Consuming peppers will help the body reduce bad cholesterol, support the circulatory system through dilating blood vessels, thereby helping the heart to work more stable.

Weight control

When you eat chili peppers, your body produces heat, which in turn boosts your metabolism, which results in increased calorie use. Besides, consuming chili in the morning also helps to limit appetite.

Chili also has the ability to change the proteins in the body, preventing the accumulation of fat.

Relieve joint pain

Capsaicin in chili is a substance that evaporates at high temperatures causing red and hot conditions. This substance stimulates the brain to produce endorphins – an endogenous morphine, which helps the body reduce pain, suitable for people with arthritis problems.

Reduce the risk of cancer

ớt giúp ngăn chặn ung thư

One of the benefits of chili is widely known as its ability to prevent cancer. Because of its antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties, capsaicin is considered to be an anti-cancer agent. Studies show that this compound has the ability to stop the growth of breast, pancreatic, bladder and prostate cancer cells.


Flaky, ugly skin is characteristic of psoriasis. Meanwhile, drugs containing capsaicin will help limit the spread of cells. Therefore, consuming peppers will contribute to the support of the treatment process due to capsaicin in chili.

Prevent bad breath

Hot, spicy peppers serve as an antiseptic, helping to eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath, thereby improving breath. However, you should still brush your teeth after eating to eliminate the pungent smell of chili.

Prevent colds, colds, fungal infections

Beta carotene and the antioxidants found in peppers help boost the immune system, helping the body fight off colds and flu.

Eating chili helps prevent allergies

The anti-inflammatory properties of Capsaicin will help the body prevent allergies as well as alleviate the symptoms caused by allergies.


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