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Show Chefs With Beefsteak Attractive Beef

Beefsteak is originated from the West, nowadays it has become popular all over the world and including Vietnam. With the original beef flavor, combined with red pepper sauce along with vegetables, all blended together, helping beefsteak dish to conquer even the most discerning diners.

Preparation materials:

  • Beef: Choose a piece of foreign filet or filet about 300g with a thickness of 2.5cm.
  • Baby carrot: 50g.
  • Asparagus: 100g.
  • Potato: 1 medium bulb
  • Baby tomatoes: 50g
  • Mustard greens: 50g
  • Dried garlic: 1 tuber
  • Shallots: 50g
  • Carrot onion: 50g
  • Ingredients for sauces: red pepper, dried thyme leaf, red onion, concentrated beef powder, red wine, animal butter and beef broth.

Process materials:

  1. First, wash asparagus, because the bottom of the asparagus is stiff and old, so you only need to plan 2/3 or more.
  2. Wash and rinse the carrot peel, making sure to keep the stem.
  3. Wash the potatoes, remove the surrounding edges, take the middle and form a cylinder. Use potatoes to make a thin, round piece but do not cut them so that the baking process will absorb more evenly. Wash the tomatoes.
  4. Rinse the rainbow cabbage, cut separately the leaves and stems.
  5. Next wash the thyme leaves, peel and cut in half the shallots, crushed, chopped 1 bulb, 1 bulb remains.
    With celery, onions, you just take the root, wash and cut into small pieces.

Luộc rau củ

  1. Đầu tiên, hãy đun sôi nồi nước, cho thêm đường và muối. Tiếp đó, cho rau vào luộc trong khoảng 20 giây thì vớt ra và cho ngay vào thau nước đá để rau giữ được màu và độ giòn. Khoảng 1 phút thì vớt rau khỏi nước đá.
  2. Cho khoai tây, măng tây và cà rốt vào luộc khoảng 1 phút, sau đó cũng cho vào thau đá khoảng 1 phút thì vớt ra ngoài.

Marinated beef

  1. Beef washed, drained.
  2. Sprinkle the red pepper and pepper salt on the surface of the meat, add a little olive oil, then rub the mixture with your hands, then add a thyme leaf on top. Turn over the meat and do the same with the other side. The olive oil will help pieces of meat not dry as well as increase the flavor during processing.\
  3. Remove the garlic peel, iron horizontal about 1/3 of the head of the garlic, the rest crushed and marinated on the meat.
    You can marinate the meat outside for about 10 minutes to allow the spices to soak into the meat or refrigerate the meat.

Potato processing

For potatoes, put a little pepper on top, along with olive oil to make the potatoes more shiny, aromatic and more flavorful. Add thyme and crushed garlic to the top, then put in the oven for about 10 minutes.

Make red pepper sauce

  1. Add 20g of margarine to the pan. When you see the melted butter, add onion, tilapia and celery to sauté for hunting. Put 100ml of red wine in a pan and cook for 5-10 minutes. Next, add 10g of powdered beef concentrate to 200ml of beef broth, stir and place in a pan for about 10 minutes to make the mixture concentrated.
  2. After cooking, strainer sieve to get the best sauce, leave onions to eat.
  3. To make the sauce more flavorful, add in the pepper.

Fried beef

  • Heat the cooking oil with a non-stick pan. Add 1/3 of the previous garlic and thyme leaves to the island to create fragrance. Then, put the beef in the pan, fry each side with high heat for about 1 minute, then turn down the heat and continue frying for about 3 minutes to cook the meat. If you want to cook the meat evenly, you can fry it for another 1-2 minutes on each side.
  • While frying, if you want the meat to be more shiny and fragrant, you can add a little olive oil.
  • The remaining edges of the piece of meat you also lightly fried to pieces of meat will look more even.
  • Next, add 20g of butter, add thyme and garlic leaves on the piece of meat, constantly pouring butter to make the meat absorbent and fragrant.

Stir-fry vegetables

Add 10g of butter to the pan, then fry the onions and fry them for about 20 seconds, then add the tomatoes, carrots, asparagus and coriander stalks to the stir fry. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and fry for about 30 seconds.

Vegetable roll

Spread the rainbow chard, spread the carrots, asparagus and cabbage stalks together. Use a knife to cut into circles like sushi.

Last step

  1. After going through the processing, it’s time for us to decorate the beefsteak.
  2. Add the red pepper sauce to the surface of the white plate, then the beef on the plate, then add the vegetables and potatoes, can decorate your favorite flower.
  3. When enjoying beefsteak you can use it with the sauce.

Món bò beesteak


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